Does SpotOn comply with the latest international standards?
Yes. SpotOn has been designed to meet the requirements of standards such as ISO 14001: 2015 (environment) and OHSAS 18001 (occupational health and safety). Updated legal compliance requirements are provided for every activity at each location on every site.
Why doesn’t SpotOn look like other compliance management platforms?
SpotOn has been designed by experts to be clear, intuitive and incredibly easy to use. It enables you to access all you need to know from all source documents in one place making complex spreadsheets and huge legal registers obsolete.
Why should we subscribe to SpotOn when money is tight?
SpotOn will reduce your compliance costs and protect you against the very significant financial and reputational risks associated with non-compliance. The annual subscription fee is a fraction of what it would cost a business to keep itself abreast of legislative changes and get compliance advice from expert attorneys and consultants. Subscribers save time and money every year because everyone in the organization can find the answers they need quickly and easily and both internal and external audits can be done faster and cheaper.
What training will we need?
SpotOn is so easy and intuitive to use that most users won’t need any training at all. However we provide free training and support on-line or by telephone and training sessions can be arranged with your advisor.
Can we get advice on what we must do to achieve full compliance?
Your dedicated client advisor will either provide the advice that you need or find an expert who can. Clarification about the content of SpotOn is free but if you need expert guidance about how to solve a specific problem we will give you a quotation.
We don’t have a list of all our organization’s environmental aspects and impacts / health and safety hazards and risks. Can we still subscribe?
Yes. We can conduct a telephone interview to identify the legal requirements that apply to your business. However if you want to comply with standards like ISO14001 or OSHAS 18000 these need to be linked to specific aspect and hazards. Contact us if you would like us to find you a consultant to prepare these registers for you.
If we subscribe to both the environmental and the health and safety modules will they be integrated?
Yes. We can conduct a telephone interview to identify the legal requirements that apply to your business. However if you want to comply with standards like ISO14001 or OSHAS 18000 these need to be linked to specific aspect and hazards. Contact us if you would like us to find you a consultant to prepare these registers for you.